How Do We End Back Pain?
How do we end Back Pain? Or a consistent ache somewhere else that no one seems to be able to fix? I may have an answer for that!
If you live in a Home that has a lot of GeoEmotional Stress in the land underneath it then you will find it difficult to end to be honest? If it’s really bad then it might be affecting more of your health system than just pain as well. Poor sleep, lack of concentration, foggy brain, lots of recurrent infections and cough/colds from a poor Immune System, or just a lack of ‘get up and go’ maybe?
GeoEmotional Stress is the Energy that is present under most homes in fact unless it has been removed. It is the Energy that has been created by humans living there or in the vicinity who have expressed an Emotion that has then attached itself to the Earth, or to the fabric of the building. This Negative Emotion could have come from an ancient conflict or battle, from people living in an ancient settlement here arguing or fighting, from someone dying of an illness, from an accident, or even from something as simple as a child falling off a bike and hurting themself there. The Emotional Imprints just build up over time and a specific type of Fear for instance is more likely to mean that the same type of Fear will be felt by other people on exactly the same spot repeatedly through time. Like for like. The more of one type of Emotion that is there the more effect it will have on anyone living or spending long periods over the top of it.
From experience as a Crystal Therapist and working with health for many years I have found that a Negative Emotion is always at the root or source of a health problem or symptom of ill health, both physical or mental. So say you have a back issue that was created in a moment of Fear, the Emotion of Fear that you experienced at the time will attach itself to your injury such that you feel the back pain quite possibly every time in life you experience the same type of Fear, and from then on. But it also means that you will more than likely place an Imprint of that Fear on the room you are in at the time of the injury or the earth you are standing on, and it will stay there from then on. So standing now in the same spot in your garden as the original injury will mean that you experience the back pain at that same spot as well. So Emotion has two ways of affecting our experience of injury as well as affecting anyone else with the same Fear standing on that same spot with a similar injury. It makes you look at Healthcare in a different way when you view things from Emotion!
If you have lived somewhere that is Geopathically Stressed (common Earth Energies affecting the land and especially water courses) with lines of this type of Energy running under your home then your internal system will also be ‘stressed’, all of the time. Your Immune System is likely to be weak and you are vulnerable to symptoms of ill health generally. This could also happen from spending long periods at the same desk in an office. Then add in the Emotion on top as well and you have a potent cocktail of problems to face. The energies make any existing problems flare up and become more sensitive. Pains become bigger than they would be otherwise. Inflammation is greater or the pain of it more intense. Recovery times are longer after injury, and finding the actual source of the issue can be harder if not impossible to achieve, so one resorts to anti inflammatories or worse. The answer might have been instead to have your Home or workplace ‘cleared’ of the Energy that is affecting it and you!
The Clearance of a Home means looking at a satellite image of the area around a Home for anything that could be affecting the occupants energetically. This often involves water. . . streams, rivers, lakes, but also the underground watercourses often deep underground. As amazing as it sounds it is possible to draw a circle around a Home on a satellite image and then with training and experience using Crystals over the satellite image to permanently remove the Energy, even from moving water! I know, its sounds nuts doesn’t it?! But I’ve done it hundreds of times and the Testimonials on my website will show you that Clients are certainly convinced that this works!
Of course a pain may also come from a structural problem of the spine, skeletal or muscular system so it is wise to deal with that first. But if you find that your osteopath, physio or chiropractor are having difficulty ending your pain issue then please do think about getting your House cleared? It could solve more than just a sore back.
For more information about my work clearing Emotional Energy from Homes please have a look at: