To begin with we discuss what your particular health issues are and the reasons for getting in touch. You can get the process started by clicking the Get Started button! Then with your full address, postcode, and details to help me find your home from a satellite image such as the colour of your front door, I start to assess your situation. Once we have decided on a way forward we arrange a day when you will be away from home so that I can work on your home and the land around it. It is important to be away from home if possible because you may otherwise be affected by the energy leaving your land whilst I work. You might possibly want to take your pets away for the day as well. The initial clearing will generally be complete by the end of the day, but clearing tends to extend into the next few days as well, albeit in a much reduced way. But even a few weeks later there will still be changes taking place, a ‘detoxing’ of your home’s former state.
From the beginning years ago I have been told by Clients that their home feels calmer, quieter, more peaceful and ‘solid’ afterwards. Sometimes a sense of clarity or ‘emptiness’ as if it had been cluttered before, and occasionally a cold house becoming warmer or vice versa, but generally that something subtle but noticeably beneficial has occurred. A certain something that it is difficult to put one’s finger upon but that has certainly changed. Clients sometimes dream deeply for the first few nights as the main detox takes place . . . or they sleep deeply for the first time in ages, if ever! It all depends on what the house was like before, and is also dependent on the background health of the person themselves. Sometimes Clients find themselves decluttering and emptying out cupboards and garages afterwards as if life had just been ‘stuck’ before!
Only to provide me with information prior to the clearing, including plans for the house or a simple hand drawn sketch of different levels of the house, and then being out of the house on the day of clearing. I will do everything else! I will also be available to answer your questions for a couple of weeks after the clearing so we can make sure that we have done everything possible for you.
Occasionally I come across a project which is very complex but this can normally be resolved even if it takes a bit longer to achieve. Semi detached properties, flats and apartments can be tricky because Clients are in such close proximity to neighbours and their individual personal energies but the land under them can always be cleared, even for flats where clearing the land affects every single property in the building positively let alone the Clients! A house situated right next to a phone mast or an electrical substation is going to be difficult to resolve satisfactorily to be honest. Better to move. For all phone masts and land based turbines the EMF effect of them on health can be improved to a certain extent by clearing the land that they sit on as part of a Clients project specifically. If sited over an area of intense emotional energy from the past this can spread into all neighbouring areas via meridian lines of the earth. Time will tell what effect 5G will have on properties and people but at present I am hopeful that we can lessen its effects by keeping land clear of other Energy, especially the Emotional Energy in the land which does seem to magnify it.
Everyone is different but I believe you should notice a growing ease and clarity in life, and a means of moving forward positively. The relaxation in your body from not being exposed to Emotional Energy all of the time, especially the ancient energies, will help take the load off your body in a way that it may not have known before. I would expect you to have more energy in yourself, more motivation, and a strengthened resolve to live life well. It may also allow food supplementation to work more effectively. There is much you can do to improve your health ‘holistically’ in combination with our work but Positivity and a Positive approach to life as a result of a ‘Safe’ place’ is the most important benefit to your healthcare for the future.
To be honest it depends on the property and its condition. A 2 bed home will not normally take as long to clear as a 10 bed home for instance, or one that has a huge amount of energy to work on! The initial assessment is free but the the day/s of clearing and checking, and the follow up consultations with you would normally cost £150-180. There is a lot of work involved. I can confirm this in our initial discussions of course. There may be an opportunity a few days later to carry out some additional Feng Shui Flow Creation work as well by applying Tuning Forks to important locations in the property, completed over the house plan, to bring energy ‘clearly’ around the house filling the space with Positive Energy as well. Please see my Feng Shui page for this.
In my experience properties and the land do not respond very well to either high levels of tech or to wifi and mobile phone technology. This is quite possibly the biggest threat to natural healthcare that we face in 2023 in my opinion. A high level of tech in a property can be very disturbing to both the body and to the natural rhythms of the Earth so I recommend reviewing your tech during this process and reducing it wherever you can. Simplicity is key. I suggest that you consider installing a non-wifi modem (with tv, computer or tablet use via ethernet cables instead) and that mobile phone usage is reduced to max one hour per day but otherwise being turned off, particularly at night. A phone should never be in the bedroom. Wifi if used should also be turned off at night. I know this seems daunting but it is possible! The relief to the body and to your home will be significant. This is the Holistic approach to the principle of a ‘Safe’ place and your house will benefit too, which means you will benefit twice over!
There is a further level of protection that you can take which is very beneficial…using an Earthing Sheet on your bed, an Earthing Mat to put your feet on whilst using a computer/laptop (never on your lap), and an Earthing Mat under your bottom in your car. I use products from Groundology myself and wouldn’t be without them, even in a cleared home, and take them with me when travelling too. Earthing is definitely under-rated!
Yes! In two ways. I have often worked on properties in order to help them sell only to find within a few days that an offer is in place. The Energy of the house is better overall and prospective buyers on a subconscious level can feel this when they walk round, making a house feel ‘happy’ and attractive as a future home. Removing the Negative Energy seems to allow Energy to flow generally and beneficially.
Yes certainly. Ghosts or Spirits as I think of them are present within a property because they benefit from the sort of Energy there that sustains them. This could be the Emotion of the original event when their life ended, or it could be that they have come into the property at a later date possibly attached to a person’s Auras and found what they need there. By removing the property’s Emotional Energy the Spirits in the house cannot hang on any longer and will pass over spontaneously. By being present in a building that is clear of Emotion for a prolonged period of time any entities attached to a person will also find that their ‘life support’ is being eroded and so will also leave. Generally improving the Health of the occupants with House Clearing and their increased level of Positivity as a result will naturally strengthen the Immune System. The more time spent in a ‘Safe’ place the stronger they will be. Benefits on many levels!
Trust me, I’ve seen everything! Let’s talk . . .
It is possible yes but not for some time, and even then a small ‘tweak’ might be enough to get it back on track. Life is not static and large emotional events like a car crash can occur in the area around a home which mean that emotional energy attaches to the land changing things slightly. If you notice that your sleep changes or things have deteriorated you can always get in touch with me and I will happily do a quick check (free). If a second clear is required it will only be a small one because all the ancient energies affecting it will have already gone. Maintenance as such of your house is completed in normal circumstances simply by loving it! That’s it. Your house is more animate than you think strangely enough so a good life full of happy events there will help you and help your house too. A wonderful symbiotic arrangement.

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