Geo = Land, Earth, Home        

Pathic/Pathos = ‘Dis-ease’

Emotional = Feelings that are fundamental to Health

Stress = A negative stimulus to the Body

The End Result = A Lack of Balance and Equilibrium and ‘dis-ease’ to the Body

Everything to do with clearing Geopathic and GeoEmotional Stress is to do with relieving the body of ‘dis-ease’

. . . the state of being out of ease. Not quite right. Not functioning properly and not in a state of Equilibrium.

All of these describe the effect of Geopathic and GeoEmotional Stress, but they also describe how the body expresses Energy physically in the presence of some form of imbalance from the land. Making the body less than itself and allowing states of ‘dis-ease’ to develop, whether this is just poor quality sleep, general malaise, or something more pronounced in Health connected with Emotion.

Geopathic Stress includes a range of different energies that represent a change in the natural rhythm of the Earth in the presence of changes to its magnetic fields. They include things like Ley Lines, Hartmann and Curry Grid lines, Subterranean Water Streams, Archaeology and past Human Settlement, Land Curses, issues with Mineral Deposits, Electromagnetic sources, geological faults and caverns, and sinkholes. Most of these can have an emotional element attached to them and for years I was finding traumas to the land from past settlements that had stronger energies from Emotion than they ever did from the Earth Energies, which is why I decided to incorporate Emotion into my House Clearing work.  This in turn helped hugely with the issue of Ghosts, Spirits and other entities as well, who could not hold onto the land if it had been cleared of Emotion. 

GeoEmotional Stress is largely the effect of Emotional Energy on Water, that vital component of life in the land around us. We are literally surrounded by Emotional Energy because water, apart from in remote desert environments, can always be found where humans are. We have relied on water from the very beginning to maintain life, but if it holds Emotion of any kind then it is not anywhere near as beneficial to us as we’d like. We know from the studies of Masaru Emoto of emotion on ice crystals that ‘harmony’ only comes to life giving water when emotion is positive. 

GeoEmotional Stress consists of layers of Emotional Imprint applied to the land over time which are created by Emotional events. These could for instance be caused by a simple argument between a couple putting the Energy of ‘Hate’ into the land from then on. Or a cow in a field feeling Anger about being penned; a Warrior feeling Fear before a battle; a mother feeling Shock at the loss of a child from illness; a man in modern times feeling Tragedy at the death of a person in a car accident; an employee in an office feeling Suppressed and Controlled by his employer. Each has the ability to ‘attach’ an Emotional Imprint to a building, a home, or to the land from then on, and for anyone living in that place to be affected by the Energy of the Imprint. This can easily cause imbalance in the body, a loss of Equilibrium and a weakening of the Immune System (the vital protection system of the body). It can also literally create the same type of emotional response in the person living there. I once worked for a client who would always have a heated argument with her partner in the exact spot where I told her I had found a strong emotional imprint!

Emotion is nearly always the root cause of physical problems in the body

Negative Emotion is unsettling to the body but it can also add to the load of Emotional Energy within a person’s bodily systems if their Auric ‘bubble’ is not entirely perfect.

It can affect the day to day behaviour of anyone living over an emotionally stressed place, and it impacts on family life and harmony in relationships.

Almost every aspect of human health is affected by negative Emotion one way or another. The less the better! It is the only thing in fact that is common to everyone in the world, and the only thing that we forget to address as the one common denominator in

every single situation we face and encounter, every few seconds throughout life

Sadly it is gradually eroding our Immune Systems and weakening every system of the body. The only way we can be assured of a lack of this type of dis-ease is to do our best to avoid it, and clearing a home provides us with a Safe Place to live as little an ‘emotional’ life as possible, and for the body to truly rest at night. Someone working in an office might not be able to work in a building that is safe from GeoEmotional Stress during the day, but they can definitely sleep at night in one and rest awhile then. 

I really hope that you are the most positive person on the planet! But generally we need strategies to avoid the issues of Negative Emotion. A house clearance can be a big part of that.

Clearing a home of Geopathic Stress and negative Earth Energy is undoubtedly important but clearing one of Emotion is absolutely vital! 

Clearing a home is an ‘art’ in the sense that one needs to find out where lines of energy are coming from . . . from their source sometimes many miles away. So clearing a home is not just a matter of putting a crystal on a house plan, but that is involved. It also means assessing the local area, up to ten miles away sometimes or further, looking for specific lines of energy created by emotional events from the past affecting the home, and then isolating the house from their effect ie. removing the emotion. But this is straightforward to solve if you know how! 

I was trained to ease the effect of natural Geopathic Stress but over the last eight years have extended that to cover anything Emotional within the land first, a potent way of creating a ‘Safe’ place to live and thrive. Even your pets will benefit!

A home may be sited over a place which in the past has been the location of a battle, conflict, accident or illness of some sort which then retains the ‘memory’ of that Emotional Event from then on, no matter when it happened and will continue to affect anyone living over the top at whatever height off the ground in several ways, including directly building up a ‘bank’ of the same Emotional Energy within their bodies to affect their health. Where you live can directly create an ill health symptom with a compatible emotional ‘profile’ as well. Ill health is all about Emotion. 

Both types of ‘Stress’ Energy are present in all of my projects but from experience I have found that if I remove the negative Emotional element of the problems then all of the negativity including what was formerly Geopathic Stress will in fact end, leaving only a few additional energies separately to be removed. Simply, the home and land are put into a different framework and dimension altogether from the past. 

Historical Emotional issues may have been present undetected for centuries so this is a really big change! It is then a matter of replacing the negativity with a new influx of Positive Energy again, and an improvement to Flow sometimes through additional Feng Shui work to improve access of Positive Energy to the all important front door.

‘Remote’ clearing connects to the Energy of your home and only requires a satellite image of the area and a plan of the property to get started . . . the low tech solution to healthcare and wellbeing!

Ready to know more about how we achieve this together?