Do you have a difficulty with a Spirit or Ghost in your home? Or suspect that you may have one attached to you in some way? If so I may be able to help very simply by encouraging them to a better place with Crystal Therapy. It is something I have completed many times before to help my Clients.

I suppose over my career so far I have helped more than 250,000 Spirits ‘to the Light’ and to ‘pass over properly’.  

Just to clarify, a Spirit or Ghost is a previous Human person who for some reason has died but not left the Earth in order to join a place that we might think of as ‘Heaven’.  They have instead stayed on Earth as a ‘shadow’ of their former self. Often not realising that they have died. Often still traumatised if they died violently, or confused if they died suddenly in an accident. Some staying behind to help in some way but then finding themselves held here from then on by mistake. But generally they are in a rather ‘grey’ state amongst us, poor things. It is a very good thing to be able to release them and one that I have always been glad to help with.

A few hundred of the Spirits that I have helped were attached to the Auras or Physical Body of Clients that I have worked with. The rest I discovered at Homes of Clients or attached to land either around their homes or at land that I was clearing. 

I trained as a Professional Dowser to work on clearing land of Geopathic Stress energies as lines of energy across the landscape but it really wasn’t very long before I came across a Spirit and had to figure out how to help. Invariably they were connected with an Emotional event of some sort so it was a matter of finding out what had happened and to clear the Emotions concerned still attached to the land, enabling them to lose their grip on the Earth and pass over properly. This happened at battle sites, Ancient Settlement sites, locations of illness or trauma, places where accidents had occurred, even somewhere where an argument had taken place or a murder had occurred. Sometimes I was party to the specifics of the person who stayed behind, but mostly it was just a process to help them leave. As brutal as it sounds it was one of many different energies affecting a home and since in total these could amount to several hundred I often didn’t linger to find out more with so much still to complete. However there were odd occasions where more engagement was required to help them. For instance the teenage ghost who was present in a Client’s house who was trying to play with the toddler son of the present day owner, a child not very keen to be in his bedroom for an apparently inexplainable reason! I ‘spoke’ to the teenage ghost and explained that he would be able to play on the other side, the light that he could already see, and he quickly left. In another case a leader of an ancient battle group was holding his ‘men’ back from passing over so I helped him to realise that he wasn’t at fault for their deaths and they were then all able to pass over together. I often had messages back from Spirit to say thank you for my help which was always very humbling, especially when it involved thousands of Ghosts on a sort of ‘Spirit Highway’ across a country. An enlightening time!

Removing or rather helping spirits and ghosts to pass over properly is not in fact difficult if one has an understanding of why they are here and what they need to happen in order to be released, though a little daunting when completed for the first time! Some of these spirits just need me to speak to them with a script to encourage them to leave and find a path ‘to the light’, like the picture for this blog post. At the point in the script where I talk about a path to the light I can physically feel them leave, like a relief to me and which can be quite moving. They just need to be shown the way. Others need the reason for their staying on the Earth removing first ie. the Emotional Energy in the land that they are hanging on to. This is the principle of clearing a property of energy in fact, clearing any Negative Emotion that is present in the land under a home or within it from a multitude of different sources both modern and ancient. Once removed through Crystal work the Spirits can leave spontaneously, not able to hang on any longer. I am always a fan of the simple approach, and helping them compassionately at the same time.

Clearing a home has many benefits but helping Spirits on their way is possibly one of the most obvious to the owner if they have previously had a ‘noisy’ house, or certain places within it are cold and uninviting, or maybe if things move around spontaneously without anyone being involved. A ‘spooked’ home is not much fun to live in but is straightforward to solve.

For more information about my work clearing Emotional Energy from Homes please have a look at:


Healing For The World?


Blue Sky Thinking