Does the World need healing at the moment? Yes of course it does! It’s in a dreadful state, and I’m not talking about Covid. This is all about the effect of Emotion or rather GeoEmotional Stress on the land around the World. No country or location in the World is exempt from this. Every single person has also been affected by the Energy of the land too.

What am I talking about? This is all about Emotion, that most simple of things that we all experience every few moments of our lives for the whole of our lives. It governs and influences how we react to things in life but it also holds us back too. Emotional Energy which is the product of all that Emotional expression is an Energy within the body which I believe through my experience as a Crystal Therapist is at the root of all ill health in the body. But unfortunately for the World as a whole every single Emotion that we express also has the ability to attach itself to the land at the place at which it was experienced. This has been happening since the very beginning of mankind so there’s rather a lot of it too!

Why does this matter? Well, Emotion held in the land will affect any living creature standing over the top of it or living in a Home over the top of it from then on . . . unless removed. Some properties living over high levels of what I think of as GeoEmotional Stress can be very difficult to live in. The Energy affects sleep, clarity of thought, motivation levels, family harmony and relationship success, and everything to do with Wellbeing and Mental Health. It will also start to affect Physical Health quickly too, particularly if the person moving in to the property is not in good shape already and has symptoms of ill health that will be exaggerated by the poor Energy beneath the property. Moving in to a ‘stressed’ property can affect every process of the body and the person can be left thinking ‘what on earth happened’ soon after moving in.

How can this be addressed? The simplest way possible! By looking for any Energy affecting the property that has an Emotional source and then using Crystal Therapy over a satellite image of the location to remove it. Some of these Energies which are often lines in nature can affect a property from miles away, so it is far from being just addressing the house alone. As bizarre as that sounds it is absolutely genuine and is something I have been completing for properties all around the World for years.

Will it last? Nothing in life and Healthcare is static, and particularly anything related to Emotion in the World we find ourselves in now. New Emotion can attach to the Home and to the land in future certainly, but since every other Energy way back to the very earliest days of this land and mankind’s beginnings way back in 90,000BC will have been removed by the process I think there’s a good chance that it will still feel much better than it did. But the thing is to not let Emotion start to fill the land again. A Cleared Home will feel happier. It is more than likely that the occupants will also feel happier too so the chance of new Emotional Imprints created by them is reduced. Life should feel much calmer and easier overall in fact. But should things start to change a bit after 6 months or a year then it is a simple task to get the house back on track again with a little maintenance.

Will it benefit everyone in my Home? Yes even the dog! Animals are very sensitive to poor Energy and will even try and sleep on the far side of their basket in order to try and get away from an Energy line.

How does it work? It’s all to do with Energy being connected between every living thing and the fact that someone trained can connect with Energy from across the World as if it were within the same room. It is also possible to talk to Spirits or Ghosts and help them to pass over properly as well if they have become stuck within the land under the Home or even within the house. The principle of Intention to create a beneficial effect is very strong and can manifest an amazing change in the feel of a House, even one which has been cold and ‘dark’ for many years. It’s like bringing the light in again!

How do I organise this work for my own Home? Why not have a look at my website by following the link below? Look at the video and read more about the effects that GeoEmotional Stress has on Health and Wellbeing. Then read some of the Testimonials for this type of work and perhaps contact me and let’s see how I can help you?

I suspect that Clearing a Home of Emotional Energy is the most important thing in Healthcare that you could do for you and your family in 2021.

For more information about my work clearing Emotional Energy from Homes please have a look at:


Should We Routinely Clear Houses Of Energy In The UK?


Trouble With A Spirit Or Ghost?