Healthy Home Dowsing And Clearing Geopathic Stress
What is a Healthy Home? And what effect does Dowsing to clear Geopathic Stress have on a Home? For that matter what effect does a Home have on our Health at all?!
Goodness, if you only knew what it is like to live in a Home free of Negative Energy then you might already be on board with the idea of Clearing a Home, but let me explain and see if I can make it clear that this is important and vital to Preventative Healthcare?
A Healthy Home to me is the true meaning of ‘Home’. A place that is nurturing and where your body can be at peace from the outside world. Not necessarily quiet if it is full of children and daily life! But one where your body can relax, where you can sleep well, and where you can recharge for everyday work and life beyond the family home. This is a place free of Negative Energy where Positive Energy can flourish instead, strengthening the body and building up the all important Immune System. But it will only happen if the Home is free of Geopathic Stress, and also very low in ‘tech’ energies too.
Geopathic Stress which has been known about since the 1920’s is the environmental stress on the body from Negative Energy trapped within Energy Lines crossing the landscape, and in particular attached to water underground in subterranean streams and rivers. It was discovered at that time that if you were to live and particularly to sleep over the top of one of these lines of Energy then your body would be put into a state of
The state of being out of ‘ease’. Not quite right. Not functioning properly. Not in a state of Equilibrium or in Balance. Being off kilter. And so on. The state that leads the body down the ‘rabbit hole’ of ill health and ultimately to Cancer. It was identified that houses most prone to Geopathic Stress were those that also happened to be owned or lived in by those suffering from Cancer too.
I became a Professional Dowser to identify problems affecting Client homes coming from Geopathic Stress, and worked on projects all over the world to beneficial effect for their owners. I could connect to the Energy of a home no matter where it was in the World from my desk and using Crystals to clear these Energies for their owners to improve lives. But I found that there was something missing. Something that I needed to add to my work to address the much bigger issue of Emotion trapped within the land as well.
A Human experiences an Emotion on average every few seconds and each Emotion felt within the body has the opportunity to leave an ‘imprint’ of that impulse from then on attached to their home or attached to the land that it sits on, or around it from then on. This means that over the period of man’s occupation of the Earth multi-billion numbers of Emotional Imprints have been impacted on the Earth, and each one has the ability to affect a person standing over the top of one, or touching an object that has an Imprint attached to it, like a wall or floor or even a household object. The effect is the same as Geopathic Stress but on steroids! Our bodies don’t like Negative Emotional Imprints and the Emotional Energy builds up in our bodies. I have observed that every single issue with ill health has an Emotional ‘Root’ to it, so it’s quite a problem! However I developed a way of carrying out enhanced clearance work to remove this GeoEmotional Stress which clears the Geopathic Stress as well. Depending on the condition of the home, where it is sited in relation to others, the effect of the Emotion of its occupants, and the effect of the locality or neighbourhood on the property, this would either be permanent or just need 6 monthly or annual Preventative Health maintenance checks to make sure it stayed that way. And life was better than before for the occupants, but even more so than from a Geopathic Stress clear-out.
The Covid era has been a period of deep Emotional feeling and stress for everyone. The impact of GeoEmotional Stress on everyone has also been huge . . . we know this. Dowsing to create a Healthy Home free of both Geopathic Stress and the ‘upgraded’, GeoEmotional Stress, cannot be underestimated. It may be the only way of ensuring that one can be free of the negative impact of what is happening around a Home and to ensure that the Immune System is strong enough to withstand the impact of a return to ‘normal life’ again.