How Effective Is Space Clearing?
Space Clearing is the art of improving a Home or Office of Energy of some form of negativity that makes it ‘less than itself’ in some way. It often employs ceremonies or smudging activities but can also include Dowsing for Geopathic Stress, a deeper form of clearing work. But how effective is it?
To be honest it depends on the sort of Energy that is present. If the negativity involves the Energy of previous occupants in a light way then smudging can be effective. But the person doing the smudging needs to remember to have a shower afterwards, very important to prevent Energy attaching to them instead, and also to open a window throughout. The forming of a dedicational alter and accompanying ceremonies to put good intention into a property could also be useful. Positivity is very powerful medicine! But if you really want to get to the root of deeper problems evident at a property including maybe the presence of ghosts or other troubling entities then you need to handle it in a different way, and more than likely you will need a professional with experience to do it for you.
I have been involved as a Professional Dowser for years clearing the effects of Geopathic Stress energies from properties all across the World but particularly in the UK. Lines of Energy passing across buildings that can often be related to subterranean water or to Hartmann Grid Lines. Clients report to me all the time as a result of my work that their home feels lighter, easier to live in, calmer, with greater clarity now, and sometimes even warmer! Geopathic Stress is well known to affect the human body adversely, especially if you sleep over the top of one of these lines. What is not known though is the effect of Human Emotion attached to those lines and especially water, but also as huge areas of independent Emotional Energy that I think of as GeoEmotional Stress across the landscape and passing under homes. They relate to both ancient human activity from past settlements, battle sites, conflicts generally, accidents and epidemics, as well as recent traumas like car accidents, family disharmony, divorce houses, but also that of everyday life situations and arguments, all affecting a home permanently.
Humans experience an Emotional reaction in life on average every few seconds, and each one has the ability to attach itself as an Emotional Imprint to the fabric of a building, to all levels of a house or block of flats right to the top, but also to the land that it sits on too. And each one can affect Physical and Mental Health, disturbing Equilibrium. Making things like sleep, focus and concentration difficult but also more serious health issues and long term illness too. Prolonged periods spent in an Emotionally Stressed home could also in the long run contribute to Cancer by constantly undermining the Immune System.
Space Clearing a house with this less known method is always a revelation in the sense that it reveals the true nature of the house, and also shows the big imperfections that were there before without even knowing it!
If you would like more information on this method of Space Clearing your home or would like to read what others think about this very important work then please take a look at my website at: