What is a Healthy Home Consultation? Is it just about the health of my home and something like Sick Building Syndrome? Or is this much more and about my Health as a whole as well?

The answer to both is yes! It’s about clearing a space of Negative Energy from the land that has the ability to affect Health entirely. It’s about taking the pressure off the body so that a healthy Immune System can be re-established. It’s about protecting the Gut Biome so that negativity does not encroach on its healthy ability to process food for us and evacuate harmful toxins. And it’s about good sleep to name just a few benefits!

Early in the 20th Century it was discovered by German Scientists that Energy arising from the land and particularly associated with subterranean water streams could affect the Health of a person living over the top. They showed that lines of Energy across the landscape from these streams and other earth formations could cause an imbalance in the body and furthermore that the homes of everyone studied who were suffering from Cancer also lived in houses that were also suffering from Geopathic Stress.

Geo = land, pathic = stress

It was found that simple removal of these ‘stresses’ would enable a person to achieve Equilibrium again ie. a better Health state that enabled their bodies to recover naturally. The body healing itself.

Since the 1920’s Dowsers have been trained to identify these lines of Energy within the land and to remove them for the benefit of their Clients. I was trained by British Dowsers to do this too, but have since gone on to identify a further layer of problems for the body arising from the land, the presence of Emotion and its resulting problem GeoEmotional Stress. Scientists have long known that water is capable of reacting to Emotion and documented work by Emoto showed that ice crystals reacted to not only music but also Emotion in the harmonious formation of ice crystals. When subjected to discordant music or Negative Emotions rather random Crystals emerged. The water molecules were adversely affected and altered the physical nature of the crystals. It was perhaps the first time that the two were formerly connected.

There is nothing new in the principle of Emotion affecting humans. We experience an Emotion on average every few seconds and some of those are bound to be negative at times. No one is perfect! But it’s what happens to the Negative Emotion that is interesting. I have discovered that humans have the capability of creating an Energy Imprint of Negative Emotion which can first of all hover above the ground but in time to become attached to the land and to objects around us. Over the centuries these Imprints of Emotion from conflicts, traumas of battle, murders, epidemics, even family arguments of sufficient intensity have become more embedded into the land and have attached themselves to water too. The Geopathic Stress that was identified by the German Scientists becomes upgraded to GeoEmotional Stress in the presence of Emotional Imprints and creates a deeper level of ‘disturbance’ in the body than by the Geopathic Stress alone.

A Healthy Home consultation can help to identify the GeoEmotional Stress, wherever the home is in the World, and through the use of Crystal Therapy applied to satellite images of land around the home as well as to plans of the house can remove the problem. Annual maintenance can then maintain the home in greater harmony. Sleep is improved. Relationships and families can operate in a happier calmer way. Ease is maximised and the Immune System is strengthened. A home can feel quite different after a House Clearing. It might even become a Home in the best sense for the first time . . . ever!

For more information on clearing a home of GeoEmotional Stress and improving Health please have a look at my website:



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