Is Balance And Equilibrium Achievable?

Is Balance and Equilibrium achievable? Well this is Balance in action so I guess that’s a yes!

I was struck by this photo by how fantastic the piled up stones looked. Requiring perfect balance the higher they rose or they would just fall over. Having had a go on a stony beach myself I found it was harder than I realised. But by letting go and letting instinct take over it was achievable. So I repeated it many times just because I could, great fun!

I have noticed the concept of balance many times before with Feng Shui. Moving pictures around the house and finding that when they are in the ‘right’ place energetically the ‘click’ of perfection happens and the moment of ‘Balance’ achieved. Not an audible click of course, but something happens that is indefinable, a moment when it’s just ‘right’. Another example of this Balance state might be when you move a piece of furniture and when it’s in the right place you just ‘know’. Or when arranging flowers and they are in the right combination and form it again suddenly feels right and no other arrangement will do from then on. Balance or Equilibrium has been reached each time.

If the Energy of a situation is right and in Balance and Equilibrium it will flow properly and easily and everything around it will be in harmony also. It’s the same with clearing land and a home for a Client. If one provides a clean slate and removes all of the blockages to flow and then stands back to watch, the whole thing will go into Balance and Equilibrium magically without having to do anything else. Less is more.

The Earth wants to support us in our Homes and will keep us in Balance if it possibly can. But things are often conspired against that happening, for instance by the use of Tech. The faster and more determined we are to go against the flow and indulge in the sort of technological advances that the sensitive Earth finds disharmonious or even harmful then the more chance there is for something to go wrong and to take us away from Balance. For Energy to become distorted and generally to flow badly, or not at all, and dis-ease to be the end result. Of the land and our Home and then ultimately for us too. This has to affect our Health which in fact is just as sensitive as the Earth. If only humans could let go, step back, and let the Earth do its thing without ‘imposing’ any more. Our lives depend on it.

Less is always more.

For more information about my work clearing Emotional Energy from Homes please have a look at:


Is It Possible To Apply Feng Shui Flow Principles Remotely?


What Is A Healthy Home Consultation?