Healthcare used to be simple, we all agree that surely? You could eat well, drink moderately, exercise or even just walk, take vitamins but not in a concerted way, and life was simple.

Then Covid came, and everything changed. To begin with one could still eat well, sleep well, and avoid as much as possible of the emotional strain from the media, concentrating instead on living well in order to strengthen the immune system. For most people that was enough. But gradually things slipped. It was difficult to avoid being sucked in to the slide in emotional health, the shedding of energy from others, the depreciation in normal life. Throughout everything though one thing remained constant, the need to support the physical and psychological health of everyone by living in a clear clean space energetically, a home cleared of negative energy. By this I mean clearing the land that a home sits on of any form of Emotional energy that affects it negatively. This could come from past events and traumas present on the land from way back in history. I have found emotional ‘memory’ in the land affecting a home from as far back as 40,000BC! Still there, where it was created initially, and would have stayed there presumably way into the future as well. Being to do with hate it really wasn’t doing my clients any good at all, who were also affected as a result by ‘hate’ in this present time. Clearing it meant that they could be at peace in their home, meaning that their health system could be at ‘peace’ too!

It is not to be underestimated how important this is for the body to live in a ‘clear’ space, especially now as health seems to be deteriorating more. Yes it could be satellites aplenty up in the night sky, plastics in our food, chemicals in our water and so on, but living in a negative uncleared space is like wading through mud every day, just hard work! Life could be a lot easier, trust me!

To find out more about my work in clearing homes of GeoEmotional Stress and negative energy to leave a clean clear space that supports the body follow this link to my website and let’s see how I can help you live well!:


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