Should We Routinely Clear Houses Of Energy In The UK?

Should we routinely Clear Houses of Energy in the UK? Well that’s a good question! Probably the better question would be why don’t we routinely clear adverse Energy from houses in the UK? Both new houses on virgin land or especially on brownfield sites, but also houses in towns and villages that have been continuously occupied by settlers since the very early days of man. Practitioners do clear them in fact, but only a very few when asked. Unlike some countries in Europe such as Germany, Poland or the Baltic States little is recognised about the adverse effect that a house can have on your Health, which is a great shame in the circumstances.

Now if you do manage to find information about House Clearing then it will nearly always refer to the topic of Geopathic Stress. The Natural Energies arising from the land like the Hartmann Grid Lines, lines of Water or things like Earth Energy Spirals, all having a detrimental effect on Health. Living or especially sleeping over the top of one of these sort of lines can make life very sluggish. As a result of the energies emanating from the land you might sleep badly or appear to get insufficient rest to maintain your own energy through the day. You might suffer headaches or pains in your body. You are very likely to lack focus or concentration and find work very unproductive. Your pets might be disturbed and sleep in strange places (trying to avoid the Lines) or suffer a lot of unexplained health problems. Your own Health may be unpredictable with symptoms very difficult to ease and eradicate. If you moved to a house that is Geopathically stressed or suffering this Sick Building Syndrome and the previous one wasn’t before then you might be wondering what on earth happened, and why you are deteriorating at the new house and have no clue as to why. It’s all very simple really. The Earth is disturbed here, its Energy cannot flow properly and as a result it gets stuck (as you do too), or worse it starts to degrade permanently. German scientists found as early as the 1920’s that this Sick Building Syndrome was often linked to homes in which occupants died of Cancer and so developed strategies for clearing the Energy. As a result of these early studies they have continued to check and then clear the blockages to Energy under homes and it is common for the land of all new properties to be cleared before a spade has even been put in the ground to build it. It is as commonplace as a Building Survey is here before buying a home and in my view much more vital. What is the point of having a ‘Home' that cannot support you as such.

My work is slightly different to that of Geopathic Stress. I fully accept that these lines exist but have found that the Emotion attached to them inadvertently is far more damaging and sometimes destructive, and the former Geopathic Stress becomes inactive after clearing the GeoEmotional Stress instead.

So what is this all about then? It’s all to do with Human Emotion attaching itself to the land in places of former trauma of one sort or another and staying there from then on. It forms ‘Imprints’ on the ground at the place where it was created or as Energy ‘blobs’ floating above the ground, stationery but quite able to be at building or internal floor height. In fact just as Geopathic Stress will affect any height above the ground in the location of a line, even the top floor of an apartment building, the Emotional Imprints will also affect anyone above the specific site of it. So if your tall house is built on top of for instance a site of a former ancient settlement which was raided and its occupants killed way back in time then the Emotion of those people will still be affecting you in every room over the top of that Imprint and probably within a 2 metre radius of it too. There might be 10 to 20 different types of Emotion covering Fear, Hate, Anger, Shock, Tragedy and so on present, and there might be up to say 100 different imprints under the average sized family home. There can be lines of Energy too coming from a specific location, sometimes up to several miles away, where a significant event happened in the past that is so strong as an Energy that the Earth has sort of ‘freaked’ out of shock and it has sent a line of Energy away from the Source to try and dissipate it over a longer distance. It’s not the Earth’s fault that we live over the top! These lines can be up to a mile across sometimes or they can be very narrow and powerful. I have often worked on a property that was difficult to solve but once one of these lines has been removed the whole thing is a lot more balanced and easier to resolve permanently.

The most difficult of all the land problems though is the Emotion that is attached to Water. Not just the streams and rivers but also the lakes, seas and also the filtering watercourses beneath the ground that are attached to aquifers and underground lakes. All of them can carry the Energy of Emotion, in the same way that out internal ‘water’ or plasma can carry Emotion too. So if you live on top of a hill this might be less of a problem for you but anyone down the bottom in what one might regard as a poor Chi area could find this much more of a problem. Damp and dark places are difficult to live in due to the amount of underground Emotion-carrying Water that is present.

So having established that houses can be tricky to live in if they are affected by Emotion, either from the past or from that being created by their current owners too (very important in 2021), what can we do about it? Well if you are about to build a new home I will gladly help you clear the space before the builders start. I do this by using Crystal Therapy over satellite images and house plans from the architect. As strange as that sounds it genuinely helps! The Owners or the builders go back to the land after Clearing and say that things seem peaceful or maybe ‘quiet’ afterwards, as if they were ‘noisy’ or disturbed before, which of course they were! Projects can often run more smoothly too for poor Energy affects Luck, a very simple Feng Shui principle. If you have an old house or even a recently built house that can also be cleared of GeoEmotional Stress. It is always best if no one is at home at the time of the Clearing since things can be a bit volatile for a few hours, the Energies are that strong sometimes! Then over the next week or even up to a month later the house ‘detoxes’ and lets go of any residual Energies. As a result life should progressively get better after the initial change. Clients find themselves decluttering the garage or shed and moving on with their lives as if they were just stuck before.

Should we be clearing all homes in the UK or abroad? Most definitely. It should be top of the list for Preventative Healthcare! We’re all worth it!

If you want your house to be a real Home and one that protects and nurtures you then why not think about having it cleared?

For more information about my work please have a look at:


What Is Negative Chi In Relation To The Energy Of A Home?


Healing For The World?