Is this an article about Feng Shui if we are talking about Negative Chi affecting a Home? Well it could be, but actually I want to talk this time about the effect of GeoEmotional Stress, or Emotion affecting the healthy movement of Chi through a Home.

Homes are generally full of clutter. Well they could well be in the sense of piles of stuff lying around, things waiting to be fixed or got rid of, or just the day to day things of life piling up over time that we don’t necessarily think to clear away from crucial locations in our house. That certainly affects the flow of Chi through our home. But not necessarily Negative Chi. That is something altogether different.

Feng Shui Consultants aim to make subtle changes to a home that allow Energy to flow beneficially through the space, and so to increase the family’s ‘Luck’. . . literally the Flow of beneficial Positive Chi through the Home, it’s as simple as that to increase Luck! The only difficulty is getting rid of any Negative Chi that dilutes the effect, or negates it.

So if Negative Chi doesn’t come from clutter as such (though it can be associated with clutter, not to let you off the hook that easily!) then where does it come from? Why from Emotional Energy, otherwise known as GeoEmotional Stress. The sort of Energy that comes from Humans and is deposited in homes and everywhere that man inhabits. The land that his house sits on, the watercourse running underneath his home, the office or workplace where he spends most of his working week, the other houses and properties that he visits, everywhere really, even his garden! A lot of Emotion is of course Positive, love and joy contributing hugely to the happiness and Positive Chi everywhere. But Negative Emotion is the constituent of Negative Chi, and if there is lots of it where you live then I’m afraid your Luck is going to be tarnished by it.

So how do we get rid of it, if it affects our Prosperity in life?

Well, one way is to only be positive in life! But to be honest that is impractical isn’t it? We all have down days, times when things go wrong, let alone when we suffer trauma or bereavement. Everyone does, we cannot avoid that, but we need to find a way of removing it once it starts and that is perhaps where a House Clearance can come in.

I provide a House Clearance Service. No, not the moving house variety though I do often work on houses in order to make them easier to sell, Luck again! Or to clear a new one for people moving house and to make sure their experiences there are as maximised as possible. Mostly though I am asked by Clients to clear the Negative Chi / Energy from their present home, for a number of reasons including Luck ie. to improve sleep, to make their Immune System stronger and performing better, to make relationships and family situations more harmonious, and to take any pressure of just living, creating ‘ease’ as opposed to ‘dis-ease’. The Energy of a home is in direct relation to its level of Negative Chi and affecting Health in all sorts of ways as a result. Clearing a Home can be a very good way of starting the road back to Better Health again.

If you would like help to remove the Negative Chi from your home, improving your Luck as well as your Health then please have a look at further information on my website at:


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