Is It Possible To Apply Feng Shui Flow Principles Remotely?
What do you think? Is it possible to apply Feng Shui principles of Flow remotely from the house itself? So if you are a Practitioner of Feng Shui could you perhaps apply these principles from your desk by Intention? Yes! I have been doing it for some time now, and it works! Life and health and prosperity all flow better. Life becomes luckier in fact!
I am a Professional Dowser and have a successful practise clearing homes of Negative Energy that make a property feel tired, heavy, lifeless sometimes, and just ‘dull’ energetically, all of which can have an impact on health. The Energy can also more directly affect health by reducing the effectiveness of the Immune System such that symptoms of ill health are created by imbalance, or are sustained. Life becomes hard work, clarity is lost, sleep is often unattainable, and day to day routines become troublesome. Flow in health is being eroded and that in turn impacts on Flow in life in general. The ‘Luck’ is going. It is relatively straightforward to solve but you need to know what you are looking for!
It has been known since the 1920’s that Geopathic Stress lines and energies under a home can affect health and Practitioners like myself have been trained to clear these sort of energies either by visiting a home in person or by identifying Energy on a plan or satellite image and then using techniques to remove it including Crystal work. That is part of the story. It is also known that the Energy arising from subterranean streams and other water sources under a home can sometimes dramatically affect health, and these too can be remedied. But that is still only part of the story. Water under a home has the ability to trap Emotional Memory to it from emotional events that took place on the earth’s surface above such as conflicts, arguments, traumas and so on, and for that Memory to stay attached to the water from then on, or to that location anyway. It is the Emotion that is arguably more important in clearing a home and has the greater adverse effect on health. This can also be removed and I have found consistently through my career that once these energies are removed that changes take place for the owners or occupants of a home that were unexpected. They normally affect the way people feel or sleep but they can also for instance cause a sudden urge to declutter the loft or garage! A new job offer to come through that hadn’t been applied for. A new relationship to start, or an existing one to blossom again. Curious things to happen, as if the property had been ‘stuck’ previously and ‘Luck’ along with it.
In 2021 healthcare has become somewhat more complicated but the principles of Feng Shui and Luck still apply. The Energy of a home can be eased to make life easier; trauma can be managed easier; decisions can be determined more fluidly. Flow through Feng Shui can make lives better whatever the circumstances, and background health can improve as a result. But it can also improve what the Chinese refer to as Luck. Opportunities. . . prosperity. . . ‘Flow’.
If you have a home that does not seem to be supporting you, or there are problems like ghosts and so on then your home is unlikely to be in Flow. Something is stuck, and normally that is an Emotional issue. Feng Shui can help you but the most pressing issue should be ensuring first of all that it is free from the effects of Geopathic Stress and Emotion. If you can recognise these issues then a certain amount can be achieved through things like Smudging with a sage stick; using a bell in the corners of a room; or Intention through prayer or chanting. People have been doing this for centuries for comparatively light energies. But with layer upon layer of Emotion having been applied through time houses nowadays are becoming more difficult to live in successfully. This is the time to call in a professional to deal with it for you. Go out for the day and come back to a clearer lighter home!
I can sit at my desk and improve things for you. As bizarre as that sounds I have done it many times before, across the world, and it works. ‘Remote work’ is achieved by connecting to the Energy of the property to find out what is wrong and then applying treatment to each layer of Energy, including work with things like Quartz Bowls and Tuning Forks to promote healthy Flow again afterwards. Feng Shui is all about Luck connected with ‘wind and water’. If we can improve the Luck by relieving the water then lives can also be improved!