Does Spring Need to Come to Feel Healthy Again?
Does Spring need to come to feel happy and healthy again? Does it feel impossible to make your way successfully through winter without succumbing to ill health? Is Depression getting you down? It might not be you, it might be your Home that is the problem!
Have you heard of the idea of Sick Houses?
The idea goes, and it is absolutely true, that your house itself might be ‘unhealthy’ and this could be affecting you. Only this week I was asked to look at a new clients home to find it difficult even looking at her house on a satellite image, it was that bad! She had no idea how much energy from the past from an ancient settlement under her home and various conflict sites between warring tribes around 2000BC was having on her home. I was able to show her on an annotated image where the energies were coming from, how they passed through our next to her home, even the area that the original settlement took up. Actually before we had started to look into any detail I could feel from her email that something was really wrong and roughly where it was coming from. It was evident just from her name on the email. Needless to say we will be putting it right for her, which means working ‘remotely’ on the various energies (and also releasing spirits) using crystals placed over the satellite image at my desk while she is out for the day. The idea is to return to a much calmer, quieter, more restful home, sometimes even a warmer one! It is really remarkable to me even now how one can connect to the energy of a home and make permanent change just with a few crystals and a bit of application and experience!
The Covid Pandemic was hard for so many people and a very emotional experience in all sorts of ways, but this has direct application to our homes and surroundings too. The Emotion expressed by a human (or animal) has the capacity to attach to a home from that moment on, and also to the land beneath it. This is one of the many problems we now have to face post-Covid. So as well as the ancient energies affecting the home there are also the modern ones too. You might think that you have managed well through recent years and that it is all behind you, but who knows what emotional energy has left behind. It could be holding you back now and it could be disturbing your sleep too. The vast array of energies from the past are generally stronger, having come from more dramatic times often, but energy being created now is not to be underestimated either.
For more information on clearing a home of GeoEmotional Stress and improving Health please have a look at my website: